Muscle Testing: How to Use 2 Methods for Theta Healing

Banner with person demonstrating muscle testing with finger circles

What is Muscle Testing?

Muscle testing is a technique that will help you access your body’s wisdom.  It bypasses the conscious mind and allows you to see what is going on in the subconscious mind.  That is important because our beliefs are housed in the subconscious mind.  Some of these beliefs serve you and support your growth.  Some of these beliefs do not serve you; these ones keep you stuck.

Muscle testing can be used to help you see what your beliefs are.  Once you know that you have a certain belief, you can consciously choose to keep it – or not.  I use Theta Healing to help myself and my clients rewrite beliefs that do not support them

When I do Theta healing, I ask my clients to use muscle testing to determine their subconscious beliefs. Muscle testing is also used after the Theta healing work to show that the belief has changed.

Getting Started: Determining Yes and No

The way to test beliefs is to make a statement that could have a yes or no response.  An example of such a statement is: I am worthy.  I like using this as an example because this is a statement that most of us – if not all of us – would like to be true.  When I first muscle tested this statement for myself, I got a “no” answer.  I did Theta work around it, however, and I was able to shift the belief.  I will talk more about that in another entry.

The first thing you do when you are muscle testing is to determine which response means yes and which response means no. To determine a yes response, you say aloud, “Show me yes.” To determine a no response, you say aloud, “Show me no.” It is important to determine the yes and no response each time you do a section of work, as these baseline responses may change.

Method One: Finger Circle

1. Make circle with your thumb and index finger with your non-dominant hand. Since I am right-handed, I use my left hand for this.

2. Looking upward and to the side (i.e., away from your hands), you say your yes statement aloud (i.e., “Show me yes”).

3. Try to bring your index finger of your dominant hand through the circle, seeing if it goes through or not. Simply note the response.

4. Repeat this process with your no statement (i.e., “Show me no”) and note that response.

5. With one response, your finger should break through the circle. With the other response, your finger should stick inside the circle. If this happens, you have determined your baseline.

6. If this is not the case, try the steps again. If trouble persists, check out the troubleshooting guide or try Method Two.

Method Two: Swaying

1. Stand up in a straight and relaxed manner.

2. Say your yes statement aloud (i.e., “Show me yes”), and note which way your body moves. This might be forward or backward, left or right, or something else.

3. Return to center, standing up in a straight and relaxed manner.

4. Say your no statement aloud (i.e., “Show me no”), and note which way your body moves. If your movement is in the opposite direction from the yes statement, you have determined your baseline.

5. If this is not the case, try the steps again. If trouble persists, check out the Troubleshooting Guide.

A Video Example

Sometimes seeing an example clarifies things. If you’d like, check out this brief video that I created with my friend, Betty Gomez.  In the video, we demonstrate how to do the two muscle testing methods that I described above.

Troubleshooting Guide

Sometimes it takes a little while to get the hang of how muscle testing works. If you’re having a hard time, check out these tips.

Try different types and variations of muscle testing.

I’ve included directions for two types of muscle testing techniques, and there are several others. A quick search on “muscle testing” or “emotion code” on YouTube will yield several results.

An alternate way for determining yes and no this is to say aloud a true statement for yes (for example, “My name is Michelle”; which it true) and false statement for no (for example, “My name is Stephen”; which is not true).

With the finger circle method, you could use different fingers to form a circle or make the circle with your dominant hand.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with these methods to find out what works best for you!

Drink some water!

If you are not well hydrated, it might affect your muscle testing results.

Don’t overthink it!

The whole point of muscle testing is to get out of your brain. You are seeking answers on a subconscious level, and you will get these answers through your body. Also remember that you will get the answers through feeling, not seeing. That is why with the finger circle technique you want to look up and to the side.

Remember to say your statements out loud. Say them as quickly as possible without stumbling over your words. If you are working with a Theta healer and testing a belief statement, you can always say “What he/she said” instead of the statement itself. I have found that this works well for some people and does not work at all for others.


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